
research (publications) by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. ICBC24.png
    A Tip for IOTA Privacy: IOTA Light Node Deanonymization via Tip Selection
    Hojung Lee, Suhyeon Lee, and Seungjoo Kim
    In ICBC 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, 2024


  1. Access23-1.png
    Hiding in the Crowd: Ransomware Protection by Adopting Camouflage and Hiding Strategy With the Link File
    Soohan Lee, Suhyeon Lee, Jiwon Park, and 2 more authors
    IEEE Access, 2023
  2. ICTE.png
    Rethinking selfish mining under pooled mining
    Suhyeon Lee, and Seungjoo Kim
    ICT Express, 2023
  3. CPE2021.png
    Shorting attack: Predatory, destructive short selling on Proof-of-Stake cryptocurrencies
    Suhyeon Lee, and Seungjoo Kim
    Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2023


  1. AFT2022-2.png
    Block Double-Submission Attack: Block Withholding Can Be Self-Destructive
    Suhyeon Lee, Donghwan Lee, and Seungjoo Kim
    In AFT 2022 - ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies, 2022
  2. milcom2022.png
    Do You Really Need to Disguise Normal Servers as Honeypots?
    Suhyeon Lee, Kwangsoo Cho, and Seungjoo Kim
    In MILCOM 2022 - IEEE Military Communications Conference, Nov 2022
  3. Access2021.png
    Blockchain as a Cyber Defense: Opportunities, Applications, and Challenges
    Suhyeon Lee, and Seungjoo Kim
    IEEE Access, 2022


  1. Cryblock2020.png
    Proof-of-Stake at Stake: Predatory, Destructive Attack on PoS Cryptocurrencies
    Suhyeon Lee, and Seungjoo Kim
    In ACM Mobicom 2020 Workshop - Cryblock, 2020


  1. ransomware.png
    Ransomware protection using the moving target defense perspective
    Suhyeon Lee, Huy Kang Kim, and Kyounggon Kim
    Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2019
  2. Cryblock2019.png
    Countering Block Withholding Attack Efficiently
    Suhyeon Lee, and Seungjoo Kim
    In IEEE INFOCOM 2019 Workshop - Cryblock, Apr 2019