
General Information

Full Name Suhyeon Lee
Languages English, Korean


  • Feb. 2023
    Ph.D. in Cybersecurity
    Korea University, Seoul, Korea
    • Department of Information Security, School of Cybersecurity
    • Supervisor : Prof. Seungjoo Kim
    • Thesis : Revisiting Conventional Wisdom in PoW and PoS-based Blockchains
  • Feb. 2016
    B.Eng. in Cyber Defense
    Korea University, Seoul, Korea
    • Department of Cyber Defense
    • Supervisor : Prof. Jong In Lim


  • 2023 - Now
    Security Researcher
    Tokamak Network
    • Security research on cryptocurrency systems focusing on Layer 2
  • 2019 - 2023
    Defense Technology Research Officer (Army Captain)
    ROK Cyber Operations Command
    • Led cyber defense system design and development
    • Participated in Korea-US joint military exercises.
    • Worked in cooperation with relevant security agencies.
    • Planned multiple cyber defense projects to support cyber operations.
  • 2016 – 2019
    Researcher (Army Lieutenant)
    2nd R&D Institute, Agency for Defense Development (ADD)
    • Participated in R&D for collecting and processing Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)
    • Participated in R&D for the development of secure Real Time Operation System (RTOS) for weapon systems with high-security verification (EAL≥4)

Honors and Awards

  • 2019
    • 1st Prize in Korea Security Data Challenge (AI Section) – $3,000 Granted by Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)
  • 2017 - 2019
    • General Scholarships – Granted by Korea University
  • 2016
    • Best Performance Award by the commander of ROK Cyber Command
    • Best Performance Award by the commander of ROK Army Signal School
    • Best Cadet Award by the commander of ROK Army Cadet Military School
    • Special Warrior Award by the commander of ROK Army Cadet Military School
  • 2012 - 2016
    • Full-tuition Military Scholarship – Granted by the Ministry of National Defense, Republic of Korea
    • Merit-based Scholarship – Granted by Korea University

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Jazz Piano, Books, etc.